





“创制一个真正的新型疗法,难于制造一架飞机。”张凌波在获得青年科学家奖后说道,“但新型疗法的研发是最有意义的工作之一。治愈重大疾病,让人们健康的多生活很多年,这就是创造生命,就是终极问题,也是我们工作的目标。”说起父母和家乡,“我要感谢父母的养育之恩,是他们含辛茹苦把我养大。我也要感谢家乡的支持和母校的培养,是师长的鼓励让我一直前行。”张凌波表示,他希望今后能够为家乡的大健康事业发展贡献自己的力量。(白海/文 张凌波供图)



EvansMDS Young Investigator Award Founded in 1984, The Edward P. Evans Foundation is a non-profit Charitable Trust dedicated to funding research on Myelodysplastic Syndromes(MDS)through its EvansMDS initiative. We fund and promote collaboration among leading investigators working on the most promising science so that we might find cures for MDS.The Edward P. Evans Foundation is pleased to announce the continuation of our recently introduced EvansMDS Young Investigator Award to help develop the next generation of research leaders who will blaze a path toward finding these cures. We are targeting support for promising candidates committed to the study of the biology, pathogenesis, and treatment of MDS as they make their transition to independent investigators. We recognize that securing independent funding is often challenging during this period of career development.Our goal is to facilitate this transition and promote the entry of new investigators into the MDS field. We are offering $125,000 per year for up to three years to defray the costs of salary and supplies. Renewal of this agreement is conditional upon satisfactory progress toward independence prior to year two. Renewal of this agreement for the third year is conditional upon the Young Investigator’s acquisition of a written offer of an independent investigator position from a 501(c)(3) research institution. Young Investigators successfully securing their first independent appointment will be eligible to submit applications without LOIs for an EvansMDS Discovery Research Grant (DRG) during the two years following their initial appointment. These DRG applications will be given special consideration.As an additional incentive, we offer recipients flexibility to apply for, and receive additional awards from EvansMDS or other parties during the period of EvansMDS Young Investigator Award funding, subject to the conditions below.Candidate Investigators–The candidate should be an early career (typically within 8 years of completing their graduate degree) physician or scientist (MD, PhD, or MD-PhD), currently in a non-tenure track (or equivalent) position with a university, hospital or other recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit institution. Eligible candidates include outstanding researchers conducting innovative research under the guidance of an established Mentor. Candidates should be able to demonstrate how this funding, for the limited period of the award, will help to advance their project, idea, or research laboratory to a point where they can secure their transition to an independent investigator. Eligible candidates generally should not hold the title of Assistant Professor and cannot hold the title of Associate Professor or Professor, nor have been or bethe principle investigator on any government or privately funded research grant with the exception of an NIH training grantor similar.